Experimenting with an Emerging Trends Channel

Artist at Work

I'M CURRENTLY EXPERIMENTING with an educasting channel called "Emerging Trends" that I want to offer as a mini-MOOC through iTunes U, YouTube, and Spreaker.

The audio content should be available through all podcast services. At the moment, everything I'm doing revolves around creative multimedia workflow.

If we have planned things correctly, people using feed readers like Feedly, Inoreader, Pocket, or Web Subscriber (iOS) should be able to use those apps to discover rich media content from the Emerging Trends Channel when visiting selected website.

[Bernie Goldbach teaches creative media for business on the Clonmel Digital Campus of the Limerick Institute of Technology.]

Measuring @ymtfm Impact By Growth

Next Benchmark is 2000 PlaysIT IS GOOD to take little steps to measure your progress and in the case of the Irish Youth Media Team, one of the next benchmarks is to gain more than 2000 total plays via the Spreaker Content Management System.

If you want to help, you can listen via the Spreaker website, go to the YMT.fm blog and tap on one of the podcast players, or subscribe to the Youth Media Team using your favourite podcatcher.

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MW 2018 in Review #journaling

MW Journals

THE BEST SKILL we teach in Media Writing involves reflective journaling. This major task comes with strong academic and theoretical supports and normally results in students feeling a high degree of accomplishment when finishing their Media Writing Journal at the end of the semester.

[Bernie Goldbach teaches creative media in the Limerick Institute of Technology. Sample from a page of one student's journal. ]

Critically Evaluating Personas

Burnerd Persona

WE SPENT a semester exploring the persona of Dervala Hanley and along the way, I started seeing elements of my own personality through the lens of student Classroom OneNote entries. The process affirmed for me the importance of stepping back and learning from third person perspectives.

[Bernie Goldbach teaches critical and contextual studies in the Limerick School of Art and Design.]

WA 2017 in Review #analytics

Working with Statcounter

ONE OF THE MOST satisfying parts of the third level creative media degree on the Clonmel Digital Campus happens when students discover specific ways to attract an audience to their content. Some of the most incisive tracking occurs inside the Web Analytics module every autumn.

[Bernie Goldbach teaches creative media for business in the Limerick Institute of Technology.]

Twitter Has a Job Fairy

I KEEP ONE of my Twitter accounts tailored so it follows people who create interesting rich media content. When that Twitter posse uses the #jobfairy hashtag, very relevant results appear in my twitterstream.

Information delivered via widget from Twitter.