Project Officer job

LAOIS -- County Laois needs to recruit a Projects Officer to foster an entrepreneurial spirit in the county, provide guidance and support to promoters and motivate SMEs. You need experience with business plans, a track record in business development and a third level quaification. This position closes on 2 July 2004.

Posted by Bernie Goldbach via Julie Whelan, Meehan Houise, James Fintan Lalor Avenue, Portlaoise, County Laois, Ireland. x_ref264pm

Google Jobs in Ireland

GOOGLE -- The world's No. 1 search engine needs 100 talented people to join the European team in Dublin. Desired skillsets:

  • customer service experience
  • fluency in a European language
  • Linux technical engineer
  • sharp mind

Check Google Jobs or the Irish Examiner, June 4, 2004. Posted by Bernie Goldbach x_ref143wd

Question for web developers

ZAWODNY -- A few times Jeremy Zawodny has been "asked to interview folks in a general technical capacity and to see how well they think about thorny issues, solve problems, etc. When I do that, one of my favorite lines of questioning involves search engine technology and the challenges of indexing the whole web. At some point we end up discussing PageRank and similar techniques for figuring out site popularity and the various ways that one can abuse those techniques. So I eventually ask something like this:

Assuming that you have a map of the entire web (a link map or "graph" if you want to get all computer science about it), can you think of ways that you might try to detect and ultimately combat link spammers who are clearly trying to game the system?

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