Students View Results Online

THIS YEAR, students from Tipperary Institute will be able to view their examination results over the Web via the Tipperary Institute website. Each student has been issued with a unique User ID number and PIN needed to access their results. The Exam Information link on TI's home page will link students to where and how they can access their results. Written statements of Results will also be posted to all students on 21st June 2006.

The exam link is


Rehoming Irish animals with Web 2.0

NING COULD PROVIDE a software bridge between a homeless animal and a warm and friendly home. This could happen with a little coding using Web 2.0 infrastructure. The idea starts with cloning Bulldogster into a new application that integrates descriptions of what potential dog owners want to descriptions of dogs needing homes. We're studying how to conceptualise this idea as a design pattern in our Multimedia Programming course at Tipperary Institute.

Ning Pets can be cloned to suit any breed.