Cultivating The Art of Noticing #edchatie
July 19, 2019
I BROKE A SUMMER PROMISE when I purchased another Audible title and then started listening to The Art of Noticing immediately--instead of spending hours under Irish sunshine digging out a new garden. I blame both Rob Walker and Mitch Joel for this transgression.
I've started creating three lists from more than 100 cues offered by Rob to enhance my ability to immerse in the moment and I plan to propose activities to both primary school and college students based on excellent ideas shared in the book. Plus I've started thinking out loud about the ideas Rob Walker shares in his book and through his newsletter.
Listen to "It's Important to Notice the World Around You" on Spreaker.
The first thing I did with a small posse of pre-teens in the town of Clonmel involved a mash-up between noticing common items and seeing those items through the lens of citizens in the year 1650 in South Tipperary. I should have recorded some of those impressions but when we walked and chatted, I had no mandate to record.
I plan to update the audio collection with thoughts by students and readers of The Art of Noticing and I intend to update this blog post with a three part list of suggestions that might help people notice and appreciate the world around them.
In the meantime, I've ordered two hard cover library copies of The Art of Noticing, Knopf, 2019, ISBN 978-0525521242
[Bernie Goldbach teaches creative media for business on the Clonmel Digital Campus of the Limerick Institute of Technology where The Art of Noticing is on the shelves.]