Digitally Managing Howling Winds #stormali #Ricoh360
Experimenting with an Emerging Trends Channel

Measuring @ymtfm Impact By Growth

Next Benchmark is 2000 PlaysIT IS GOOD to take little steps to measure your progress and in the case of the Irish Youth Media Team, one of the next benchmarks is to gain more than 2000 total plays via the Spreaker Content Management System.

If you want to help, you can listen via the Spreaker website, go to the blog and tap on one of the podcast players, or subscribe to the Youth Media Team using your favourite podcatcher.

Before we moved our audio clips from Audioboom, the Youth Media Team from Ireland had more than 7000 plays of content. However, most of those plays happened when the content automatically started streaming when someone tuned into the education channel on Audioboom. We know several thousand of those Audioboom "listens" happened in the background of browsers and they weren't actually a record of people actually hearing the interviews created by members of Ireland's Youth Media Team.

If you want to help us increase our play count above 2000, please consider subscribing to the Youth Media Team podcast directly at or download the Spreaker app and listen to both the streaming and recorded content inside the app itself.

[Bernie Goldbach provides technical assistance to Ireland's Youth Media Team.]
