Nominated for an Eddie in 2012
December 04, 2012

I AM SURPRISED to receive a nomination in the podcasting category of the Edublog Awards for 2012 (#eddies12) because I was trying to keep this blog and its podcast off the radar. I have not succeeded.
The Educasting channel will become part of iTunes U in 2013 if creative multimedia students in the Limerick School of Art and Design complete a series of taskings in several academic modules. At the moment, Educasting from Ireland remains a work in progress. But friends in the Audioboo listening community are telling friends about it and those friends are visiting the site and that's causing me to accelerate the work needed to make the site actually worth a visit (or a vote).
The sweet spot for Educasting from Ireland is powered by an Audioboo channel called Educasting. It's where I hope visitors will go, subscribe and contribute. The Audioboo community is the most refreshing example of real social media and they have proven to me that authentic online social networking happens through social audio.
You can vote for Educasting from Ireland at
Bernie Goldbach teaches podcasting to university students in Ireland.