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Media Writing Exams

TIPPINST -- After spending part of a sunny Sunday grading exam scripts from my first year Media Writing course, I'm scribbling a few reminders as revision notes for the next cohort. It looks like everyone who took the final exam passed the course but only because of compensatory marks earned during continuous assessment. This is the first time in four years that people have failed the final exam. It means the final exam requires a tough revision.

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Tribune selects from Irish blogs

TRIBUNE -- The Sunday Tribune gives 800 words this week to excerpts from and the resulting column (extracts below) happens to mirror much of the headline news from the previous week. The selections this week include reflections on the Meath bus crash, Conor Lenihan as a kebab chef, a Star Wars horoscope, cyberstalking, and deranged art. From the Tribune:

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Essential Reading

AD AGE -- We need to get college students to read more because Irish reading habits parallel those documented in the States. Time spent reading appears to be diminishing, with older people (age 75+) reading about 72 minutes per day while teens spend just seven minutes a day with written material (not counting homework or time on the Internet).
Young adults and the middle-aged didn't do much better: those age 20-34 read 10 minutes a day and 45- to 54-year-olds read 19 minutes. Meanwhile, there appears to be plenty of time for TV: college-educated workers spend about 1.4 hours a day in front of the tube, while unemployed high school graduates watch four hours a day.

NewsScan -- "Where Does The Time Go?"