Flickr Just Got A Million More
April 21, 2005
FLICKR -- In Tipperary Institute, we program with the Flickr API--just like hundreds of other web developers. That process just got cheaper by 50% and the number of people using Flickr's social networking probably jumped by 30,000 since yesterday's announcement that the Pro accounts became as affordable as a monthly phonecard top-up in Ireland. Nearly 40% of all those with Irishblogs use Flickr. I think it's the biggest time sink on the planet and well worth the slideshows it generates. I suspect there will be millions more people using Flickr for summer holiday snapshots now that this new pricing plan has hit the mainstream press. More details:
- On Free Accounts the limits will be doubled for uploads and archiving, i.e. 20 MB a month in uploads, 200 photos will be archived and available through the site.
- Everyone who already purchased a Pro account at the old price ($41.77) prior to the switchover today, will receive the following upgrades:
- If you have a 1 year pro account it will be extended to 2 years (if you bought a 2 year Pro account it will be extended to 4 years).
- two invites for 1 year Pro accounts to be given to anybody you want to give them to (that is, anybody except people who've already got a paid Flickr account, and/or yourself).
- Going forward, Pro accounts will be priced at $24.95 a year -- more than half of what we had planned on offering when we were just Flickr: A Wee Company Going It Alone (F:AWCGIA). Also, Pro accounts now get 2 GB a month in uploads, up from a mere 1 GB previously. This of course applies to existing Pro accounts too.
Caterina Fake -- "New prices, freebies, and rock"
Bonus Link: My Flickr and Flickr article in Irishblogs Yahoo group.