Handelaar Challenge
Aidan Dunne on Graduate Shows

Writing Skillscard

CLONMEL -- The multimedia degree programme opens with a Writing Skills course and by completing the Skillscard, students earn their stripes as full-fledged web authors. We certify 10 specific skills.

  1. Submissions. Meet tight deadlines when distilling complex items into syndicated reading materials.
  2. Writing. Write information that generates interest. Load it into a content management system.
  3. Tutorial. Author a tutorial designed for widespread use.
  4. Reportage. Personally observe an event and then moblog about it.
  5. Briefing Note. Write a Briefing Note with a highly-placed search engine identity. li>Wiki. Contribute to a WIki.
  6. e-book. Produce an item of information for an e-book.
  7. Sketchbook. Produce a line drawing of a simple object that forms part of a virtual quilt.
  8. Copyright. Prepare an item for copyright protection.
  9. Uploads. Consistently upload materials correctly using File Transfer Protocol.

Moblogged using Nokia Communicator O2 Typepad service.
