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Open source Eclipse

IBM -- The Dublin Software Laboratory (DSL) at IBM's Santry campus has opened its Eclipse proramme to all third level institutions in Ireland. The programme features an annual competition where winners take away laptops. Launched in 2001 by a number of well-known software vendors, including IBM, Borland, Rational Software and SuSE, Eclipse is an Open Source community.

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Death of the Darkroom

KILKENNY -- I see many more digital cameras than film cameras on the streets today, leading me to think it's indefensible to teach traditional darkroom techniques to college students. That's also the case in New York City, where the Latent Image Workshop Inc., with its 23 rent-by-the-hour darkrooms, will close its doors by the end of the month. Latent Image has offered darkrooms by the hour since 1987. Other rental workshops are losing business or scrambling to upgrade their digital services to survive.

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