Conspiracy of language

Information syndication through Internet Technologies

QUESTION -- We practised information syndication by blogging memes and by aggregating news content. One of the final exam questions covered the two processes.

Eanna McAteer says:

Syndication is a process of distributing content to a number of sources, as many as possible, as a way of informing people. Many people believe that syndication and the use of RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is the next big thing to hit the Worldwide Web.

The current process of syndication present on the Internt involves the sending of information across the Internet to various sources. However, not all of the information is sent, with it. Typically, the heading and the first line of text goes together. This is followed by a hyperlink to the rest of the informaion. While the form of syndication is free not all sites are free and therefore it may occur where you receive the headline and the link free of charge but need to subscribe to get the remainder of the information.

